Thursday, October 29, 2020

An Fhís

 “But it is not you. It is them.” He sat at the end of my bed and quietly sipped a cup of coffee and smoked a cigarette. There was nothing remarkable about him. Just a dude with a couple of days growth on his face wearing jeans, work boots, and a “Frank Zappa for President” t-shirt like the one I was sleeping in. I sat up in bed and asked him what he was talking about. It did not occur to me to ask him who he was and how he had to audacity to be in my house and drinking my coffee when I had no earthly idea who the fuck he was.

“It’s true, you know. You have been wondering for days why people act the way they do when you show up anywhere. It seems as if you are an interruption in their ordinary everyday ordinariness and it is an imposition for you to even be breathing.” He blew some smoke rings and looked at me.

“What in the Holy Good Christ are you talking about?” I asked even though I knew perfectly well what he was saying.

“Oh, don’t be coy now. I am just telling you that it is not your fault. All those fuckers out there are just jealous of you and treat you as if you are an intrusion for just being there. Even that dumbshit smiling guy at the Stop N’ Shop gas station who you never talk to because you use your card at the pump and never even walk the hell inside thinks you’re weird. He waves at you and you wave back, but he is secretly counting the minutes you are even out front of his store. He thinks you are peculiar even though he is just a stupid son of a bitch who works there because he dropped out of high school and cannot get a better job.” More smoke rings drift to the ceiling.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. That guy always smiles at me and besides, that’s the cheapest gas in town.” I swing my legs over and sit on the side of the bed. “Go away, I have to pray and then piss before I get my coffee. Did you leave any in the pot?” I look at his cup which seems really immense.

“I’ll make a fresh pot. See you in the living room. I know how you take it.” He gets up and pads out the door. I noticed he had slipped out of his work boots and was walking in bare feet. This deepened my resentment. Who the shit not only invades a guy’s bedroom but has the impudence to feel comfortable enough to walk around without shoes?

I read my books, and say my prayers before heading to the toilet. I have my t-shirt and boxers on from sleeping and toss on my bathrobe, leaving it open as I walk. I go to the can and then walk to the living room. I stop and take a detour to get my slippers in order to make the right statement to my barefooted home invader. I get back to my chair and find a piping hot cup of Joe on the table next to it where I keep the remote and whatever book I am currently reading. The bold burglar is nowhere to be found. Getting the first sip down I catch him peering, headfirst, from the kitchen with a spatula in his hand asking me how I like my eggs. He tells me to watch the news while I drank my coffee and that breakfast will be finished in a jiffy.

The level of confusion over this bizarre incident begins to grow and I start thinking it might be better to just listen and go along. I finish the coffee, get up, and walk into the kitchen. I am greeted with a properly set table with an azalea bloom in a long stemmed vase. There are plates, silverware, and glasses of what had to be fresh squeezed orange juice (The oranges I put in the bowl on the kitchen counter are gone) and milk. My intruder motions for me to sit down and when I did he sets before me a plate of bacon and eggs and another with three pancakes. He goes to the refrigerator bringing the butter dish and the jelly. How does he know that I eat my pancakes with jelly? The final touch is a plate of buttermilk pancakes and a bowl of sausage gravy. He sits down and, bowing his head, asks me if I wanted to say grace.

After clearing the dishes for him and loading the dishwasher, I ask him to explain himself. He waves for me to follow him out the back door and sits down at the edge of the patio overlooking the back yard. It is my favorite spot and he appears right at home in the empty chair that I have placed next to mine with a table in between. This was, in my mind, God’s chair and he has some nerve sitting there. He waves for me to sit and I do…grudgingly.

“You see, you got off on the wrong foot when you started writing that damn book. Nobody wants to read a book that tells them that they cannot or should not do something that they just love to do.” He lights another cigarette and sits back crossing his legs. “I have a real problem with it, hell I told everyone that they should not do it a long damn time ago. Hell, fucking commanded them not to.”

“You are not trying to convince me that you are God! That would be totally absurd! I mean, how could everyone even be mad at me when I have not done anything but write the damn thing and never even tried to publish it? All it was supposed to be was something to make me feel better after those folks died in New York!” I could feel my blood pressure starting to spike and my chest get tight.

“I know, I know. People are weird. They think who the fuck they are. That whole freedom of choice gig was a major faux pas dude. I’ve been regretting it ever since I let it happen. Hell, look what it has brought us to!”

“Man, I am not having this conversation! You are going to tell me who the shitting hell you are or I am going to call the police…RIGHT NOW!” I grabbed his pack of cigarettes and lit one. The first puff reminded me why I had given them up.

When I looked back at him, and he’s gone, vanished into the clear air. All that remains is the pack of cigarettes and the empty coffee cup he had been drinking from. I sit staring at the chair for a while before finally surrendering and walk back in the house. I find my computer and, opening the word processing program, begin to type. I realize that the book about killing is not done. I’ve let it languish for several years while I went out and found other things to do. I do feel odd when I walked out in public. I am not paranoid. I do feel that many people treat me as if they have bitterness toward me, but it does not bother me. I just did not care. Or is it, that I did not think that there anything to be done about it? Could there really be a world where killing was just something that people liked? Dreamed of and pursued like it was the answer to all their problems?

No. It cannot be. Let him come and make me breakfast if he must, I WILL finish that book!

Friday, September 4, 2020

Abstemious Abstinence

 A hundred words can change the world. What if someone just told the truth? Perhaps it would be for the first time. It might be a veracious act driven by an intolerable atrocity. Maybe they observed an act of courage or unconditional love that cannot be explained. What if that act was performed by someone who would normally be in complete opposition to the situation causing the act? What if a hate filled person suddenly stopped another individual filled with loathing from carrying out an atrocious affront. What if that acrimoniously loathsome person suddenly just…stopped…hating?

I am not talking about something that is improbable or even impossible. I am talking on the sudden event of someone having an epiphany and realizing that what they felt and believed in their hearts was just wrong. It is like they suddenly discover what they believe is erroneous in both emotion as well as execution while proving itself inadequate in every sense of the word.

Like that time when I was a kid and had to meet a bully after school in order settle some real or imagined slight through an act of violence. This kid had bullied me most of the fourth grade. Towards the end previous year I had a full plaster of Paris cast on my arm and would use it to act the bully myself. Once free of the contraption, I was pretty much defenseless while I regained my strength. This guy took advantage of that nearly every day. I let him because I was afraid of re-breaking the arm. Over the course of the summer, my cousin’s barbells helped me reclaim my strength and I decided to avenge my honor by beating the tar out of this creep.

We met at the appointed time and spent a ridiculous amount of time negotiating the rules before we started. Once the fight commenced, I realized that all the advantage was mine and that in a short time I would have this kid beat down to an acceptable level of capitulation where I could regain my status as class bully and reign supreme. Then I looked into his eyes.

There was nothing but fear.

I just stopped. I remembered that it sucked to be afraid, and it sucked worse when you see it in another’s eyes. I stopped and told him that I give up. He, startled at the circumstance, regained his composure, and began prancing around like the champion we both knew he was not. I lived with some more bullying from him but it stopped. I would just look him in the eye and he would recall the truth and walk away.

I think about this and wonder where that guy went that just could not stand the look of fear in another’s eyes. I wonder where it came from in me and wonder if there are not many folks out there who wish for some kind of insight or lightning bolt to hit them to stop the stupidity and disgust they are so used to displaying.

What if…

Easy Pickings

There had been an invasion. Some foreign country had placed sleeper agents in the White House who had slowly weakened our defense systems. Strategically placed clusters of Electromagnetic pulse bombs had disrupted the entire infrastructure wiping out all of our defensive capability. Telecommunication problems had forced our military to hunker down in place until word from other commands would coordinate a defense. Trains came to a stop. Airplanes sat on runways unable to take off. Navy ships lay adrift in the oceans unable to get under way. The ground attack devastated the country and foreign troops were systematically taking control of towns and cities with remarkable speed. Not, however, in more rural areas that existed mostly on their own efforts.

For the first month our town, Wolf Crossing, remained untouched. The EM Pulses had occurred many miles away which left the community unscathed and functioning. Everything remained the same as before. There were school buses roaming the streets every morning and afternoon. The movie theater changed its line-up on Tuesdays and the basketball teams from the schools all played games on the weekends. The Daily Special at Mabel’s Café still had meat loaf on Monday, Chicken and Dumplings on Wednesday and All-you-can-eat Catfish every Friday.

The Mayor was walking around shaking hands and kissing babies and his opponent in the upcoming election was busily knocking on every door in the town to campaign for his “Need for Change” platform. There were some high school kids walking around with sandwich signs for the candidate they supported while passing out red or blue balloons with the appropriate name on them. The Whole Earth Party was set up in the little park on the Town Square and was attempting to get people to commit to vote for them and plant a tree. They had a pick-up on the lawn next to them with a for sale sign on the side. They raised a ruckus when the police chief came and told them to move on because the park was city property and ordinance did not allow campaigning without a permit. They argued and tried to stage a sit-in until the lead candidate sat down and was not, being eighty years old and three hundred pounds, able to get back up. The local ambulance had to come put her on a stretcher and haul her to the hospital because her heart began to palpitate and it would not look too good for her to die while trying to get elected mayor.

In reality, due to the distance from the rest of the country, very few folks in town even had the least clue that there had been anything of real importance happening in the world outside the city limits of their small hamlet. They had no idea that there had been a major invasion from another country. Come the first of the month that all changed.

The first of the military vehicles rolled in about 8:00 AM with a detachment of infantry soldiers. They had strange uniforms and had a look about them that seemed to suggest that they were not from around there. They all spoke a sort of broken English and began spreading out around town in strategic spots. The commander of the group walked around asking for the leader of the town and the mayor came and held his hand out to shakes hands, as he had been doing all day and the entire month before. The commander took his hand and, holding it firmly, took out a pistol, and shot the mayor between the eyes. He ordered his men to drag the body to the park and leave it there.

The force of men then began to round up people and usher them into the movie theater. They went from street to street and stopped when the theater got full. They moved to the school and rounded up all the kids and made them sit in the assembly theater and the gym at the high school. This was not a difficult task overall. The town only had around six hundred residents including the kids. There were some difficulties. The police chief and his three patrol officers were all shot and deposited in the park. Then there was the elderly Post Commander of the local VFW who got shot when he came after the invaders with a German Lugar and a pineapple grenade. The grenade turned out to be a cigarette light and the German Luger fired caps. A few farmers with shotgun racks in their pickups were added to the growing pile of bodies in the park. The raiders sustained several casualties along the way before the town was properly incarcerated and the violence curtailed.

The commander had a bullhorn he used to address the adults in the theater and his second in command went to the school and gave the same speech to the kids. There would be safe and secure treatment for those who cooperated and helped the occupiers set up a defensive perimeter around the town. There would be rewards of food and privileges to those who voluntarily cooperated. There would be harsh consequences for those who did not. Up to and including being deposited, dead, at the park.

No one spoke a word. Neither did any of them volunteer nor show the least bit of interest in cooperating. There were three more deaths when the owner of the theater, the school principal, and the gym teacher acted as leader in their respective location and informed the marauders that they should go to hell. The pile of bodies in the park had reached a dozen by the time the sun set. The commander told his men to lock everyone in where they were and walked into the command tent that had been set up in the park with the dead bodies. He had the dead men moved to the edge of the park furthest from the tent and set about developing a night perimeter of men to guard things until the morning. He figured when the townsfolks got thirsty, hungry, or needed the restroom the level of collaboration would vastly increase.

He ordered his men to get Mabel’s Café open and to cook a meal for the invaders. He thought about forcing Mabel to do it, but chose to just use the café and have his men do the cooking. The food was there even if the cooperation was not. He went to the back of the tent to lie down for a while detailing for his aide to wake him when the food was ready. He lay down and went to sleep.

It was sometime later when he woke. The tent was dark except for a small kerosene lamp in the front. He stood up and found a washing station that had been set up with water, soap, and a towel for him. He cleansed himself, put on a fresh shirt, and inspected his pistol. He took it apart, cleaned it, placed a fresh clip in it, worked the slide to cock it, and let the hammer down with his thumb. He walked out of the tent with the intention of getting something to eat…maybe a steak.

Once outside he noticed that the street lights were not glowing but that it was still bright enough to see even though it was late enough for stars to be shining. He looked up and saw the largest, brightest full moon he had ever imagined. He turned to look for the bodies wondering if they had started to smell. They were not there. He walked all the way around the park and found nothing. He walked around the square finding nothing, not even his own men. He went to the theater which was to his shock and surprise, empty. He went back to the tent and tried the radio only to get nothing but static. He walked outside and found the mayor and the police chief waiting for him. They were alive and had no injuries showing where they had been shot. There was blood on their clothes, but no marks of any sign that, several hours earlier, each of these men had been shot in the face with a military issue 9mm pistol.

He reached for his sidearm and the police chief; moving faster than he could see, grabbed him, and relieved him of his gun. They proceeded to march/drag him to the high school where the rest of his men were sitting back to back on the ground and tied up at the fifty yard line. The mayor explained that he had either chose, or was ordered to invade the wrong town. Behind him walked up the remaining group of people who, also had been shot earlier that day.

The commander watched the mayor begin to shake and tremble. He started to swirl his head around and wave his arms about. The police chief and the rest of the recently dead all began to do the same thing. Their bodies grew and their clothes ripped off their chests and arms. They grew huge fangs and claws at their hands. Not werewolf like, but something much more horrifying. Something grotesque and hideous When the transformation was complete, the commander could see others flowing in from all the exits on the football field. It seemed to be the townspeople with their children. All of them looked the same as the dead men. All of them were grotesque and ghastly. There was no snarling or roaring or howling. They were all dreadfully quiet. The mayor looked back at the crowd of his neighbors, and then at the commander before shouting:

“Soup’s up!”

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The Sudden Stop

“How did I let myself get talked into this crap?” Bobby stood at the edge of the rail and looked over to the river below. “Jesus! It is soooo freaking far down there! Please don’t make me do this! I am going to die right flipping here if you do not let me get back in the car! FOR REAL FOR REAL!!!” He stood there trembling looking at his date. He had just wanted to do something adventurous and fun. Like maybe taking a white water rafting trip, or hiking and camping in the woods or something. Not this…not this…NOT THIS!

“Oh don’t be such a baby.” The current love of his life, Pattie with an “ie” scolded him. She was, at least on the outside, just the type of woman who he would want. She answered his post on the freaking dating site and they went on a couple of dates before attempting this insanity. “You are not going to die. I mean I have done this a hundred times and it is just the most radical adrenaline rush. Only punks and babies do not find this fun.” She got up on the rail and jumped. The bungee cord made a loud cracking sound as it tightened and she let out a loud bellow that seemed unlikely for such a small girl.

Bobby let loose with his own scream because the cracking made him think that the bungee had come loose and she was plummeting to her death. This was definitely not fun and he wanted to go home. The only reason he came was because she told him that if he just came out and looked at it then he would probably hit a home run when they got back to the apartment. Maybe even a Grand Slam if he actually did it with her. Her sports metaphors for sex should have been the first sign that she was not the type for him. He always thought that badminton was altogether too much of a contact sport to play let alone intentionally plunging to your death at the end of a large rubber band. What if they measured him wrong and made the damn thing too long and he cracked his head on the rocks in the river below. Oh! Whoa is my stupid horny a-s-s!

The loud grunt that she gave out when she reached the end of the first jolting bounce came first followed immediately with what seemed like an earsplitting war cry. He ventured a peek over the edge and watched as she bounced and laughed and bellowed her delight. He stood back relieved and sat with his back to the stanchion holding the bridge up. He caught his breath and stood as they hauled her back over the side of the rail with safe, solid ground. She let them release her from the contraption holding her feet and did a victory dance like a football player in the end zone at the Super Bowl. She whooped and hollered and pumped her fists in the air. She shook he hair and laughed like an insane person. Bobby had never seen anything quite so sexy!

Finishing her revel, she grabbed Bobby by the arm and before he realized it had him secured in the boot contraption attached to the big rubber band. She told him that the guy would adjust the band to his size and his weight. He would be fine and got the guy running the contraption to confirm it. They boosted him up on the rail and he froze.

She coaxed him with promises of a night of erotic amazement. She told him that it would cure him of his Acrophobia. She told him that once the boots were on, they did not come off until after the jump. All of which meant nothing to him as he pleaded to be let down. Finally she told him to close his eyes, which already closed, and listen to her. She told him that she had been afraid of high places also and that made her feel sort of…less than. What she did was join the Army and volunteer for Airborne Jump School. She made it through and that was the last of her fear. Now she goes skydiving, bungee jumping, base jumping, and even dove off a cliff in Hawaii last year when she was on vacation. He asked her if Jump School taught her to relax and what the classes were about. She told him that she did fine until it came for her first jump from and airplane. He asked what happened. She told him that she froze in the door and would not jump. He asked her what happened then and she simply said “the Sargent put his hand on my shoulder and did this…” With that she reached up and pushed him off the bridge.

Only to discover that the guy rigging things had disassembled the rigging to make the adjustments and had not yet attached the other end of the bungee cord.

It ain't the fall...


The Geezer Compendia

A “Geezer,” according to the dictionary, is an “an odd or eccentric man.” It is my contention that a true “Geezer” is the sort of man that is a necessary component to modern society. When we say eccentric would it not also be acceptable to call it staunch in belief. When we say odd can it not be just as easily said that the individual looks at the world with wide open eyes. The combination gives us character, verve, resilience, fortitude, and a devil may care attitude which is easily recognizable by its defining axiom. “Leave me the fuck alone with your adolescent, dimwitted bullshit. I will do, think, or say whatever the shit I please.”

In that spirit I write, as a self-proclaimed “Geezer” and will do as long as I inhale oxygen. The stories I write have foundations in the world I see about me. They might come from a dream the night before, or something heard on the latest Star Trek film or television episode. It might come from the word of the day I receive daily that catches my eye due to the unusual spelling or outrageous pronunciations. It might be alliterative in nature as that is my favorite transcribing tool. It may come from a guy I meet in the frozen foods section of the grocery store. It may come off the internet, although most of that is inept and ridiculous to say the least. Or it may be a story about a guy meeting the devil in a Walmart book section who tries to give him the universe in exchange for his soul.

I am at a temporary impasse as to the delivering of these stories. It would be nice to earn some scarolas in the process. I’ll post this on my blog and see if I get any suggestions. It is not a major project to undertake. I have a books worth of stories already looking for a home and probably another 30 or 40 in need of a concluding word, phrase, sentence, or even writing beyond a title. Can a Geezer get an “Amen?”

Let me know what you think

Friday, August 7, 2020

Silencing the Solstice Sadness

 The scent drifted past my nose and made me look up from my grocery list to see where it originated. I first glimpsed a flowing skirt and working my way up its length with my eyes to a white laced tank top/bustier and finally what had to be the head and face of an angel. Without realizing it the electric cart I was riding through the grocery store turned and followed the vision before me. Even now I have no conscious memory of directing the mechanical conveyance to take any path under my command. It just seemed to be directing itself as to the path of travel.

The divine vision before me was wearing the flowing skirt that had a V shaped slit in the front revealing a pair of long deliciously well-shaped muscular legs. Her arms swung freely as she walked. The upper left arm held a heart shaped tattoo with an arrow through it and initials on either side of the shaft. Her hands were delicate with manicured and artistically sculpted nails. She turned her head and her face was exquisitely elegant with amazingly bright hazel/blue eyes. For some reason she smiled, revealing the most perfect set of brilliant white teeth. Long golden blond straight hair to the waist completed what had to be a hallucination. Never in my entire senior citizen aged life, either live or in picture, had I ever beheld anything more beautiful. My old heart began beating faster and I forced the cart to cease following her. I had no wish to keep following the wingless angel thinking it might test the effectiveness of my heart medication if she happened to look or smile at me.

I continued on my appointed shopping duties only to find that every aisle I turned down held the object of what was a growing obsession. Each time I got close I turned my head and pulled something off the shelf to demonstrate that I was, indeed, shopping. The pasta aisle turned into the canned food aisle which forced me to buy tomato sauce for the pasta. Coffee and creamer came next, followed by sweetener and various spices because it was on the same aisle. Cold cuts and cheese slices inspired a trip for mustard, mayonnaise, ranch dressing, and ketchup. (I got home later and discover that the last four bottles were but duplicates of items I already possessed) It is impossible to make a sandwich without bread which also meant bagels, English muffins, and a couple of boxes of Ding Dongs. Then came the dairy aisle for cream cheese, and Greek yogurt because, well why not? Dairy also meant French onion dip which meant the chip aisle was next. Looking down at the pasta made me go shop for gravy which sent me to the meat section for meatballs, Italian Sausage, chicken legs and pork chops.

Each stop coinciding with yet another chance encounter with the Gift from God in a peach print skirt and low cut top.

I found myself reading the ingredients on the back of a package of Thai noodle mix and looking at a basket full of food I had never intended to buy. I looked at the list I brought with me which read; freeze pops, Kool Aid, blueberry muffins, and denture adhesive. None of those items were in the basket. I consciously forced myself to get the first three items on my list and make a strategic retreat to get the denture adhesive. The adhesive was on the other side of the Walmart Superstore I was in. It was a good bet that the angel would not be shopping there and I could be set free from my farcical fixation. I rode the ¼ mile to the other side of the store and was making my choice when I was once more hit in the nostrils with the ambrosia scent that began the whole shopping predicament. I looked up and discovered the largest muscle bound man in a wife beater t-shirt, a piercing in his nose, and a short cropped spiked haircut. He smiled at me revealing a gold tooth with a star in the middle. There was a matching star tattooed under his right eye. He stepped out of way revealing the vision standing squarely  in front of me and said; “Get a good look you old baboon faced bastard!”  She raised the front of her skirt high enough to reveal that there were no undergarments beneath the skirt. She stalked off and the large muscle that was with her smiled and gave me the universal one fingered salute.

Worst part of the day? I had to hire a kid to come unload the 80 pounds of groceries I was too embarrassed to put back.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Fragile Folly of Funlightenment

“So I did the math…U.S. citizens comprise 4.25% of the world populations, yet we have almost 26% of all COVID-19 cases... and a little over 25% of the deaths.”

I read this little gem the other day and it hit a nerve with me. Statistics are funny things. Sometimes they are accurate and useful. Sometimes they are not accurate and universally accepted as Gospel. Sometimes they serve a purpose and actually help in a situation. Other times they are bald faced lies directed at the majority of people who blindly believe them and create the most egregious of depravities and immoralities. (Reference the current Republican leadership of this country…if the word leadership is used loosely) Yet the worst thing that can be said in conjunction with any statistic is “What’s your source.”

Once asked the narrative mutates into a mish mash nonsensical diatribe of who is reputable and who is the “Man behind the curtain” and need not to be paid any attention. This, naturally, is an age old defense against the veracity of any opinion, idea, thought, or desire which is contrary to whatever kind of tripe one might be peddling.

Being a well read and educated man; I find statistics to be an aggravation at best. Thanks to the acumen of a number of college professors I have the near ability to discern truth from tripe where it comes to numbers and what they mean. The opening numbers of this piece are dreadfully accurate. Whether anyone believes them or not is of no concern to me. I believe them and all else in opposition may embrace the south end of this north bound overly verbose writer. I will simply leave the earnestness of my belief in this set of numerals where they sit while reminding the reader of both my personality and the reality of the dubious area of statistical endeavors.

The first three hundred words of this piece were what, in my brain, had to be written in order to get to the crux of the opinion I am about to share. It is apparent that we live in fraught and immensely perilous times. I woke up one day and while surfing the social media one day to find out that a good buddy of mine had died from COVID -19. He could not get in to see a doctor to even get diagnosed. That was months ago. Another bit of wisdom is some doctor stating that America might see as many as 100,000 new cases a month going into winter with no cure of vaccine in sight. A friend of mine spent two months in a rehab hospital unable to see his family for fear of this virus. Then I read that with my breathing problems that it may be dangerous to wear a mask. Is that the truth? Is any of it true or is all of it true? Caveat Emptor!

Meanwhile, politicians are calling for the country to reopen. Amusement parks are planning to get some piece of a summer trade. Bar owners are suing the Texas governor for closing down all bars. People are demanding their constitutional right to not wear masks. Politicians are either holding or planning on holding election rallies placing hundreds or thousands of people in small areas where social distancing would be impossible. Having fun is apparently more important than not dying.

My own Congressman is amongst those railing against the restraints. He is also suffering from Covid 19, much to the distress of his family who is staunchly in agreement with the precautions detailed in fighting this disease. When your own family is willing to give interviews in opposition to your beliefs, perhaps you need a refresher course or two on the finer points of the science classes most Americans were required to take while attending school. Most of which seem have been ignored or forgotten in the face of political posturing. But, then again, we live in a country where millions believe that the earth is only 8-10000 years old. This is the same country that has an estimated 6,400,000 folks who believe that the earth is flat. Again with the statistics…repeat – Caveat Emptor.

The damnable numbers keep coming and keep being ignored. To date there are 4.9 million cases in America with 160,000 confirmed deaths. April 1, 2020 it was 184,770 cases with 3,746 deaths. This figures to be 26 times as many cases and 42 times the deaths IN FOUR MONTHS IN THE UNITED STATES!!!! The greatest country in the world and we are COMMITING GENOCIDE ON OUR OWN CITIZENS!!!!!!

Yet still we seek respite in such things as concerts, sports games, religious activities, and a system of government that has habitually lied to and committed crimes against the population without regard to anyone or anything out of fear of not getting the baboon faced bastard at the head of the table reelected. IT IS EVERY ONE IN America’s fault because we have allowed it to happen and get worse. SHAME ON EVERY ONE OF US!!!!

There is an old belief amongst the environmental and scientific community that the earth, Mother Nature if you will, has the ability to correct the problems of this beautiful planet. Science has shown that there have been five distinct Extinction Level Events on earth. The meteor the dinosaurs experienced was not the first. The Great Flood that has been mythologized and discovered to be scientifically true. Religious texts speak of war and pestilence destroying the population. Global warming which everyone believes except the adherents of the Good Grand Temple of the Orange Baboon might be the precursor to the next major catastrophe. AND WE ARE LETTING IT HAPPEN!

 The frustrating part of this dilemma is that we have the ability to do something about this problem. The rest of the world has adjusted/evolved and is, as such, not is as much danger as America.  The Babooninator claims it will just go away like the bubonic plague went away. The bubonic plague still exists and reoccurs from time to time. It is not as devastating as earlier time’s because it is treated with a tried and true method. Quarantine.

Every plague has one thing in common. Containment is tied, universally, to the separation of people who are sick from those who are not. This has been working for hundreds of years and there is no reason to change other than the fact that movie theaters, baseball games, casino’s, and presidential elections have proponents out there hawking their wares with fervor and apathy as to the effect of ignoring tried and true methods of containment. Making money and having a good time seems to be more important. To that, all I have to say is:

Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Dystopian Detritus

I was watching a show on television last night and one of the characters made an observation that made perfect sense to me. The discussion was about differing ways of life. The first being the way things used to be on earth. Pristine land abundant with all the earthly requirements needed for humanity to survive and thrive. The other being the way we have made it in our rush towards annihilation. In the first scenario you did not have to go anywhere and purchase anything you needed; food shelter, clothes, etc., you just went out and found it. The second involved racing at breakneck speed towards a world of concrete, steel, violence, hate, bigotry, and death.  The analogy made was that the Good Mother Earth would, sooner or later, shrug and shake and decimate the second way of life leaving the simple existence that was probably the Creators intention.

This ideal of survival has been on the forefront of my thoughts for many years. Yes, I do enjoy the comforts the concrete and steel provide me. Driving cars or trucks is pretty cool. Being able to get in a tubular pile of metal and soar above the earth is infinitely delicious. Computers and the internet is the bomb! Riding a train has its allure also. Until, of course, any of these conveyances breakdown. Then you risk homelessness attempting to pay the repair costs. Walking to the places you wish/need to go is infinitely better. Sitting on a log and watching an eagle soar, or a mother dear and her fawn sneak up to you are amazing. What is amazing is that unless you are hungry and in need of sustenance for you, your family, or your community, you can leave them alone to surprise the next individual sitting on your log. Trophies have no place in either world if it means the death of an animal or person.

The flotsam and jetsam of this world are just differing degrees of the debris and scraps of unnecessary “things.

So how do I justify this abominable paradigm? I read and I write. One of the cool things about living in this world that is galloping towards obliteration is that the very thing I am railing against is the exact avenue with which I get to attempt persuading humans away from the insanity of this world of wonder and death, and towards a reasonable way to stop the eradication of mankind. Hypocrite, you say? Perhaps, but I get to say it anyway. If you don’t like it, you can call me a fool and stop reading.

“Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation.”  Walter Cronkite

Another fascinating aspect of being the hypocrite is that while I complain about the world, I get to. If the worst thing my hypocrisy creates is a momentary thought that might come of this pretense towards the absurd…What if he is right?

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Antepenultimate Assassin

The phone in his back pocket loudly began to growl as a wild animal does when feeling threatened. The ringtone had been assigned to those entries in his contact list that were unwanted yet impossible to ignore. It was, after all, his livelihood. He answered and began speaking without even looking to see the identity of the caller.

“Ten million dollars.” He spoke into the phone and immediately pulled the device an arm’s length away from his ear. He walked to the refrigerator while the person on the other end complained, rather demonstratively, in a stream of words interlaced with vulgarities and pleas for mercy.

“Now it is twelve million dollars.” He pulled out a Diet Mountain Dew from the cold of the refrigerator and poured it over ice in an insulated mug. “You know what happens if you complain. Continue and you may engage in sex with yourself after I hang up.”  He walked over to the easy chair in the living room and turned on the television. Switching to the all-news channel he muted the sound before putting the phone back to his ear.

The caller had calmed down and explained that he was desperate and would gladly pay the price if he could see about this piece of business at his earliest convenience. He was reminded that he knew what was needed and looked back at his phone. In a moment he received an alert from his financial institution that the appropriate amount had been deposited by wire. Once more putting the phone back to his ear he gave instructions as to where and how to send the particulars. Thanking the caller for the business he told the client to have a nice day before hanging up.

Laughing out loud as he spoke to the air in the room, “If these clowns would call me first, it would only cost them million a pop,” he finished his drink and reminded himself to eat before he left to go to work. Making himself a frozen dinner, chicken and roast potatoes, he opened his laptop and downloaded the information on the job. Aaahh! He complained to himself when he read the particulars. The target was a twenty something girl who had inherited quite a few billions of dollars and the other family members decided it was time for her to meet her maker. Scumbags! He went and got another Diet Mountain Dew. Once he left for a job all he would drink is tap water in wherever the job happened to be. He carried field rations enough for the length of the job with the proviso that if he ran out, he would just fast. The tap water was danger enough given the odd places he often worked. He was not about to ingest parasites and/or bugs not sufficiently cooked.

His name is Jeremiah Jabloncesceu and he is a contract killer specializing in difficult targets. He is something of an odd fellow and most clients did not like calling him because of the manner in which he operated. He always left the bodies out in plain sight at locations where the maximum amount of people could see the body before the police showed up. He never leaves any clues or evidence from which the authorities might discover his identity. He ALWAYS leaves the body with numerous horrible mutilations denoting that the individual suffered long and hideously. His name in the print and news media is, wait for it…The Mutilator.

He had not always been like this. When he first got in the hit for hire business it was quite different. He would ask the client as to their preference in how the body was found, and he never made any kind of splash in the media. He was not well known and never made much in comparison to his competition. He would do a murder for as little as low four or five figures.

Until he took a contract from a scorned woman who wanted her philandering husband castrated before being shot to death.

She paid him extra to leave the body in a public place so that the entire world would know what a cheating bastard he was. As soon as he got paid, he made plans to disappear and did so successfully. The woman was promptly arrested and is serving a life sentence without parole. The police did an extensive search for the killer and came up empty. She is currently working for the prison chaplain and praising the Lord for helping her change. An ambulance chasing law firm told her they would get her out if she let them write a book about her having her womanizing son-of-a-bitch husband killed. She agreed and is still shuffling bibles while the law firm has published the book and move into much nicer offices.

Jeremiah enjoyed the entire business and began doing similar stunts. This did not sit too well with those that broker professional hits and he saw some lean times. There were a few jobs come through which he was able to get, but not that many. He almost thought he would have to find a regular job until happenstance saved him and he was given another chance when a job came in right up his alley. He found the job interesting and, being a good businessman increased his fees commensurate with the special needs of the job.

A music executive commissioned a hit on a well-known rock star which was promptly botched…twice.  The first guy tried to give him a hotshot of drugs without taking into account the tolerance level of a two decade rock star drug addict. The second guy tried cutting the brake line on the limo taking him to a concert. Turned out the dope was primo which ensured that he wasn’t going to show in the first place because he thought it was Thursday instead of Friday. The limo was sent out after another client whose family gave him a wonderful sendoff at the funeral without asking any questions. The driver blew a .14 and went down for vehicular manslaughter. Jeremiah simply knocked the rock star with a sleeper hold from behind and slit his wrists in the bath tub making it look like a drug induced suicide.

After that he got all the jobs where he was the third choice. This gave him the latitude to charge exorbitant rates. It also gave him houses or apartments in several major cities and an island in the south pacific with a full time staff of female servants who worked topless and had amazingly loose morals.

This job, being a young girl, made him think twice. Killing had not been a problem. He went to war in the Middle East as an Marine sniper when he was eighteen and never once had any lasting feelings about it. Not even the children who occasionally pulled out a grenade to toss at the American monsters invading his or her country. He did get a twinge the first time he had to kill a pregnant woman. Fortunately it was not much of a twinge considering he had watched her strap on a suicide vest. He shot her right in the chest and blew her helpers to kingdom come along with her terrorist ass. He could justify that. A young heiress did not fit the same description. He had to focus on the twelve million and push it out of his head.

The trip to the job was uneventful. Jeremiah was not a big man so he easily fit in the economy seats. This gave him the added benefit of being, more or less anonymous in the crowd boarding and exiting the plane. He accepted the water offered by the attendant and the bag of nuts. When it came time for the meal, he feigned sleep and was left alone for the rest of the flight. Upon landing he made his way from the luggage pickup to the shuttle bus which deposited him at the closest subway station outside the airport. He found a motel and settled in for the night. He opened the file on the girl and the family to study. His work would begin the next morning.

The potential victim was an enigma by any definition of the word. She worked as a barista at a coffee shop near the college she attended, and lived in the dorm even though she was a senior as well as the richest person in the state and all the states bordering. She bought clothes at thrift shops and set up a table every Sunday at the Arts fair, after church, where she sold jewelry and trinkets she made herself. Nothing about her was remotely intimidating or selfish. She came to holidays with gifts from her collection of arts and crafts for all who attended. The file reported that she was in excellent health and never drank or did drugs. Well, she did dabble with some marijuana but only because she lived in a state where it was legal. She never bought off the street but in dispensaries. Her bank account showed that the amount she bought was ridiculously small for a college girl.

As he read, Jeremiah thought there had to be some deep dark secret lurking about to explain why anyone would want to have this girl killed. Stepping out of character, and in violation of his own better judgement, he decided to find out why.

It turned out that she had inherited the money from her Great Grandfather. She had always been his favorite person in the family. She woke up with a smile and stayed that way all day long. Being from a rich family she declined the advantage of private school and attended the nearest public school. She asked when she was four years old if she could go to church. They sent her in a limousine but she paid the driver from her allowance to drop her off at the subway and pick her up at a certain time so that no one knew she was rich. She would give her expensive birthday and Christmas gifts to kids at her school that didn’t get anything. When the Great Grandfather got sick with cancer, she spent all her time outside of school taking care of him. She told every person in her life that she loved them several times a day. She was the only one that cried at the old man’s funeral.

The family embraced the other side of life by being terribly evil people. They tried to stop the will from being read. They were enraged when they discovered that the old man had locked down all the control of the business and money to the girl who had just started college. She went to a local state university that was paid for by an academic scholarship she earned for herself. The job was so that she could eat and live without using any family money. There was a class action suit filed by the family that was dismissed five minutes into the first day of the trial. The old man had started by slinging coal off the back of a truck when he was ten years old and from there he worked his way into making his billions. He made sure that the will was iron clad and irreversible. He left each member of the family, except the girl, one dollar. Their only recourse was to have her killed.

Jeremiah showed up at her coffee shop the next morning with a book and sat slowly sipping Irish Breakfast tea while he watched her. She refilled his cup ignoring the big sign on the wall stating that refills were a dollar. The place was packed and everybody seemed to know her name. She had a smile that lit up the room and went about her job as if it were a mission instead of a crappy job at an overpriced coffee shop. A scruffy looking guy came in dressed poorly and appeared as if he had seen better days and needed a bath. The girl stopped what she was doing and came from behind the counter and hugged him tightly and long. She shooed a couple of kids from their table and held the chair for her friend. She went back behind the counter and came back with two extra-large coffees and two breakfast sandwiches. She sat down and placed all her attention on the man even to the point where she waved off her boss when he told her it was getting busy. They finished eating and she cleaned the table before embracing the man again, this time kissing him on the cheek before going back to work.

At the end of her shift she collected her tip jar, which was full to the brim and overflowing onto the counter. She grabbed a handful out of her jar and put it in the other baristas jar without being seen. She stuffed her tips in a paper bag and left out the front door without regard to who might be watching her leave with what looked like almost one hundred and fifty dollars. Jeremiah left behind her and followed her to a church where a small priest was trimming the hedge out front. She handed the paper bag to him and bowed her head while the priest placed a hand on her head and gave her a blessing.

Jeremiah watched her walk away without following. He stood and stared at her back until she disappeared in the crowd entering a subway station. Without realizing he was speaking out loud he asked himself, “How in the world am I going to kill and mutilate Mother-Freaking-Theresa?”

He went back to his motel and ordered a pizza and a six pack of beer. He spent the night and most of the next day struggling to convince himself into completing the job. It wasn’t as if he had never killed a good person before. Hell, most of the time he paid no attention to who they were or acted. It had always been kill them, mutilate them, and disappear. This girl is special. She is, well, good. She deserved, to be left alive. He changed that…this girl HAD to stay alive. The worst part was that he had no idea why she must remain alive. He did not like this confusion, and thought of just giving back the money he’d been paid. That was a momentary lapse in judgement. If someone was prepared to spend twelve million to kill this girl, they probably merited being the one on the end of his skills. Besides, his lifestyle outside of work was expensive.

He went to bed, sleeping fitfully. Tossing and turning the entire night accompanied by dreams he thought he had long since left behind. Shooting his first child, the pregnant woman with the suicide vest, and the van full of aid workers he put a RPG round into killing them all. All left over horrors from being in a war. His assassinations since were mostly bad people and never bothered him. Hell, the dreams had always been there but, until that night, had never really bothered him. Now it seems he had grown a conscience. A paid-in-full conscience that was giving him fits. The only relief in the entire night of arguing with himself came when he thought of killing the people who had paid the twelve million.

He would have too murder the contractor also. The clients(s) probably paid much more than twelve million when his commission was added. The total undoubtedly was twenty or twenty-five. It would not be easy, but a dive into the contractor’s financials would tell everything. Hmmm…

A week later the news, both print and digital news was splashed with a report of fifteen members of the richest family in the state being discovered dead. They were all found in a conference room on the top floor of the family skyscraper. Scene investigation and autopsies were going to be a nightmare for the police. Crime scene techs were pretty sure each had been killed in a different manner. Some appeared to have had heart attacks, several had no outside evidence as to their demise, two had suffered blunt force trauma from an unknown source, one had its throat sliced open, and the last one was found in the restroom with its wrists slit.

Jeremiah watched from the comfort of his island, lying in a hammock with a goofy straw hat, sunglasses, and white sunscreen on his nose while sipping a drink made in a hollowed out pineapple with a straw and an umbrella poking out. It took three months to ascertain that it had been a mass murder. The baffling part was that security cameras had no record of anyone but the family members entering or exiting the room. It had card code entry on the elevator and palm print entry on the door to the conference room. The police had called the FBI in whom, it turned out, were equally unable to fathom what had happened other than the fifteen dead bodies.  
A few months later the assassin sat in the coffee shop sipping a cup of tea while the girl sat with her scruffy friend eating breakfast. Two rather large men stood at the door checking for cameras or other evidence of paparazzi or reporters. She had got through all the funerals, and the will reading naming her the sole heir only to surprise the entire world. She sold all the holdings converting everything, including her own fortune, to cash and set up a foundation to give it all away. She kept back some to pay for security to keep the gaggle of people wanting to interview her away. She just went back to her life as usual.

As he followed her to the church for her blessing and subsequent subway stop his phone began growling. As always he answered simply saying, “Ten million dollars.”

Monday, June 8, 2020

Idiomatically Imperceptive

“Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience.” Thomas Merton

One of the things I been ruminating over with the reality of the quarantine/isolation condition we find ourselves in is trying to keep present in my head things that are important and things that are unimportant. We live in a world with so much going on that it seems to me that we have been neglecting active thought and action on matters in need of our attention. To wit…we are at war and have been for almost two decades!

There is much concern over the Covid situation, and it is of major importance, but dealing with it is simple. Follow the directions that are posted everywhere as to what to do to stay safe, wash your hands a lot.   Don’t try to kiss any strangers, and be safe.

What I want to know is why in the fuck we are still sending the cream of our society to foreign locales to kill or be killed, maim or be maimed? Must we irreparably damage the mental state of the people who live in those locales, or irreparably damage the mental state of the cream of our society when they come home and are poorly suited to living a normal life after all that kill or be killed/maim or be maimed bullshit?

Now, for those still reading, this is not some unpatriotic rant from a bleeding heart liberal peacenik moron. I am a veteran of the United States Army from which I was Honorably Discharged after completing the term of service for which I VOLUNTEERED.

I was not much of a soldier but I did what I was told and went where I was sent. I did not receive any medals for bravery and/or valor. I was a Private First Class who drove a truck in an Artillery Battalion. For some reason I had a Top Secret clearance which made me eligible for some unusual duty in various places around the world. The most interesting of these extra duties was a seven day posting to Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin when there was still such a thing as East and West Berlin/Germany.

Volunteering was not a popular thing to do when I did. Many were protesting the war that was being fought at the time with many of my friends doing the opposing. There were people being drafted based on a birth date lottery. My number was well out of the range of being chosen. I volunteered anyway.

I did so because my father did in WWII. I did because America is worthy of “…heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice.” I did so because it was a choice I had having recently graduated high school and not entering college. I regret nothing about being a soldier, and never will. If it was today…I would still enlist.

What I would not do is recommend, counsel, entreat, or otherwise persuade any young person to join the Armed Forces.

We have grown obtuse, which the dictionary defines as, “annoyingly insensitive, or slow to understand.” We fight wars that do not have the meaning they are assigned. We fight wars that we lose. WWII had a reason. We were attacked by an enemy whose stated objective was the decimation of the American way of life and thus was in dire need of defense.

Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan were unnecessary wars that killed a huge number of people that did not deserve to die. We went to Korea and never finished what we were supposed to do there with the result that N. Korea is now a dangerous enemy. We spent 9305 days in Vietnam and were forced to leave while communist forces took over the country. We were attacked on 911 by citizens from Saudi Arabia and attacked Iraq. We went to Afghanistan to find Osama Bin Laden and are still there…almost twenty years later. Not one of these countries is significantly better because of our presence within their borders. Korea is a hotbed of divisiveness and holds the potential for the beginning of another war every day. Vietnam is a thriving nation but not due to our American values. Iraqi citizens had a decent lifestyle before we came in and blew up their cities and plunged then into poverty because we did not like their leader.

Realistically, the inspiration for these wars, on a rhetorical level was sound. Communism was a terrible system and hurt many people. Not so much today. On principle it made sense to attack Korea and Vietnam because of the atrocious lives led by people in China, Cuba, and the Soviet Union. Yes, Saddam Hussein was a tyrant and needed to be removed. Yes, Osama Bin Laden needed to be found. But let’s look at a few realities.

Korea has a history of incursions on their society dating to its founding in 2233 BC. We did nothing to help that trend to stop.Vietnam was possibly the most conquered country in Asia for nearly the last four thousand years. It wasn’t until America came around that they were able to throw an invader out and thrive.

Iraqi’s had a normal life with employment and wealth available. They lived under Draconian rule but should have had the choice to change that on their own. These were not uneducated poor peasants. They lived better than most people on Earth. Until America decided to carpet bomb their capital, a city 1250 years old which, at one time, was the largest metropolitan area in the world. The only things the Americans really did in Iraq was send it back to the 7th Century by rendering the electricity, water, and other essential services useless.

The only thing we have accomplished in Afghanistan was to perpetuate a warlike culture that has existed for as long as there has been a country in some form in that area. We should have packed up and left the minute we got Osama Bin Laden who we found in PAKISTAN!

Being a veteran I grieve for the fallen. We have given out too many medals. Awards for bravery are necessary when we send our people to war. They give the most of themselves and absolutely deserve to be honored. How about honoring them when they get home? Why are 22 veterans committing suicide every day? Why does the VA allow a sick or troubled ex-warrior to wait months for doctor’s appointments? Why do they have to go to the emergency room to get help (the most expensive type of care) and be turned away?

Because politicians wave flags and vomit rhetoric they do not fully understand in order to send out valiant Service people across the globe to get killed, crippled, maimed, and damaged in the name of a country that thinks it is noble. These selfsame politicians that do all that flag waving and vomiting because they are being bribed to keep the war going. By who you ask? By  those who worship money and want nothing but to make profit out of the atrocity that is war. Just like the moneylenders at the temple they are. Would that we could do them as Jesus did in his time…there might just be an end to the horror we accept in the name of our country.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Pollution Solution

You could hear a pin drop. An aisle in a huge discount store should be teeming with the sound of a place that supplies everything a household might need. This aisle was dead silent. Halfway down the aisle there was an older lady riding an electric scooter with a half full basket. Right in front of her was a young man with a push cart and three huge packages he was in the process of putting in an already overstuffed cart. He stood frozen staring down the barrel of a pistol the old woman was pointing at him. It looked disproportionally large for her hand, yet she held it steady while aiming at what appeared to be the man’s groin area. Every few seconds she would adjust the pistol. Cycling from his groin to his chest (upper right where his heart was) and finally his face. It seemed she was, if she fired, ensuring she hit a vital part of his body.

She was wearing a skirt that revealed a pair of knee high stockings and an ugly pair of orthopedic or diabetic shoes. Her hair was what appeared to be freshly coiffed as from a beauty parlor. Her makeup was perfect, also with a beauty parlor demeanor to it. Her overall appearances suggested she might be in her ‘70’s or ‘80’s. She had a scowl on her face as she wielded the firearm.

Her target seemed to be in his ‘20’s with a Fu Manchu moustache and a three day growth of beard. Scraggly would what a post office wanted poster might describe it. He wore a baseball cap sideways on his head with the letters FTW in gothic script, and a sleeveless t-shirt with the logo from what had to be a Metal band emblazoned on the front. His jeans were full of holes and rips but not in a store bought sense. They were more like an old pair of pants that had been worn too long and thrown in the corner. He had ratty looking steel toed boots with the leather on one of the toes worn off. The jeans were stuffed inside cuffs tucked into them in a half blouse.

“Young sir, I will need you to put most of what you have in your basket back on the shelves. Now.” She spoke in a cultured accent, much the same as someone’s grandmother might. She looked directly at the man with a stern glance. He loosened up a bit and started to complain
“You have chosen to fill your basket with what must be much more that you need. There are many people currently doing without due to this practice you are participating in at the moment. I observed you glaring in a threatening manner at that young couple and their child. You pushed your way past them and took the last package of the item they were reaching for. I dislike rude people. I also dislike ill-mannered younger people. You appear to fit both those descriptions. Are you married with children at home?”

“No you old bitch! Get that fuc…”


The old woman shot the package in his right hand making it burst in what seemed like a white snowfall. Everyone in the aisle dropped to the floor. The man froze for a moment and then looked to see if he had been shot. There was a spot on his forearm that was trickling blood.

“Now this is a Smith & Wesson Governor. It is what is called a .410 Bore Gun. Some call it a “shotgun pistol” but that is not entirely accurate. One of the features of this particular firearm is that it can fire a .410 shotgun round; I used a bird shot round on you to lessen the impact. It also has the ability to fire a 45 caliber bullet. The next round in this pistol is a 230 grain jacketed hollow point which is an awful large amount of punch. Now if I am forced to use it I will reach into my purse and drop a .25 automatic next to your body…after I put it in your hand to ensure only your fingerprints will be found. I will tell the folks on the aisle to leave and find the nice police officer that is in the front to come assist me. They will all probably scatter to the winds, and you will be left here on the floor…dead. My deceased husband was a criminal judge for fifty years. He saw to it that myself and my five children, all attorneys, knew how to shoot and are all permitted to carry the firearms on their persons.

Now it looks like you have a knife on your belt. Why don’t you go to the bandage aisle and get something to wrap that arm of yours. Then it would be prudent go to the men’s room, dig that small birdshot pellet out, and bandage it. Use something to clean the wound first. Then you can go find some other place to go and act like a barbarian.”

She reached her thumb up and pulled back the hammer
“Y-y-yes Ma’am.” The wannabe barbarian said and turned to leave

“And dear, leave the shopping cart here so these folks can find what they came for in the first place.” She pressed the lever to make the cart move, stopping by the barbarian’s basket to retrieve a four pack of Charmin.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Long Time Gone

I watched an extended interview with David Crosby of Crosby Stills and Nash fame. He, as am I, is an old man and seriously infirmed with multiple health problems. He has a much more storied past with many items of interest to someone who first saw him perform at CSN’s second professional performance. His story, by virtue of depth and reach was quite different yet somewhat akin to my own. Suffice it to say that I have been around a number of corners and down even more streets than the average person. Perhaps it adds to the flavor of my biography. Realistically it probably attests to the large amount of fucking stupid shit I have done or participated in, and miraculously survived. This serves as proof to me that there is a being greater than I who watches out for this boob with a keyboard and a propensity towards verbosity.

As many who might be reading this I am enjoying the wonders of Social Distancing and municipally mandated isolation. I am told that I am at added risk for contraction of the latest “the sky is falling” syndrome\malady. To me it would just be the soup du jour if I did get it, so I am not worried…cautious, but not worried. Something is going to get me just the same as everyone else. I believe that the reason I began typing today is that I need a break from my telephone and television. Personally I have been stuck at home for the last seven months recuperating from a mobility depriving situation. I’m not crazy or suicidal and I am still not answering questions from the characters of whatever program I am watching…yet.

What I have got going right now is an extensive inventory of my life and the decisions I have either gleefully or sorrowfully come to since June 21, 1953. I would like to claim that triumph outweighed regret, but that would require that I speak in untruths. My Dear Sainted Mother would tell me “to thine own self be true,” and did so until I wanted to throttle her. As an adult I found the wisdom in these words and keep that as a creed in my life. It really does not hurt to lie to someone near as much as it might destroy a person when they lie to themselves. Other than my Darling Máthair, it was my participation in a 12 Step program that taught me about the truth. The truth I need to be telling myself, that is. So let me tell you some truths I have discovered.

  1. There is a personal truth that I have spent much of my life as either a knucklehead or a boob.
  2. There is the looking at the world truth and that is quite unadorned. The minute someone figured out how to hunt, or gather more than what was necessary to sustain him or herself; we, as a species, were screwed. It is just taking a long time to happen.
  3. There is a spiritual truth. Someone or something is responsible for mankind and the firmament existing. Who that someone or something is none of our business. However, whatsoever you wish to believe is your truth and it is not my place to say a fucking thing about it.
  4. Finally there is the undefinable truth. There are things in this world that happen and we will never know why. No matter how much we try, life is an enigma that we are too arrogant, stupid, and\or powerless to do ANYTHING about it. PERIOD!
As a thinking man I have discovered that as much as I would like to change things or control things, it is an impossible to do so. The answer to this conundrum is to accept that it might not truly be a conundrum at all. Perhaps it is just the way things are supposed to be and that most of the truly damaging things on earth are the result of people who refuse to accept the undefinable truth that is smacking us in the face every day.

If you don’t believe this, try going to the store and buy some toilet paper.